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Ebenezer Baptist Church was founded by Rev. Alexander Truatt in 1892. Rev Truatt lead from 1892 - 1894.


 Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Atkins, the eighth pastor, oversaw the re-building of Ebenezer Baptist Church after the devastating fire.

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 In 1934, Reverend Dr. E.D. McCreary became Ebenezer's fifteenth Pastor. His skills as an organizer and financial manager kept Ebenezer viably sound, retiring in 1966 after serving faithfully for thirty-three (33) years.


On February 1 2006, Reverend Lehman D. Bates, II became the seventeenth Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. An ambitious three (3) year quarter-million dollar ($250,000) maintenance, renovation, and restoration effort began. This effort was highlighted by the purchase of a fully-equipped media center, a comprehensive sanctuary refinishing, purchase of carpeting, office equipment and supplies, technological and communications enhancements, interior/exterior lighting, and security upgrades. These improvements were also highlighted by the purchase and installation of an elevator lift, whose construction was recognized by the City of Charlottesvile as the recipient of the 2008 Herman Key Access to the Disabled Award. These notable accomplishments were assisted greatly through the benevolence of Sister Dorothea Robinson Lewis Lee, who, upon her departing of this life, bequeathed to Ebenezer a sizeable financial donation.


On November 27, 1907, the Ebenezer's building was destroyed by a fire. By Gods Grace, the building was rebuilt in a short eleven (11) months, the Edifice still stands today at its present location of 113 Sixth Street NW.

From 1908 through 1927, Ebenezer continued to prosper under the leadership of Reverend H.A. Stevens, Reverend R.J. Terrell, Reverend F.A. Brown, Reverend H.H. Johnson, Reverend P.W. Price, and Reverend G.E. Reed. During this period, Ebenezer purchased a parsonage located at 731 Anderson Street, N.W., and Deacon Adolphus Paige, Sr. rebuilt the parsonage, presently located at 402 8th Street NW.

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In 1967, Reverend Elisha G. Hall succeeded Reverend McCreary to become the sixteenth Pastor of Ebenezer, and served Ebenezer for over thirty-five (35) years. Reverend Hall's tenure was highlighted by the ordination of Pastors Rickey White of Keswick VA, and Michael Turner, of Staunton VA. Additionally, a church van was purchased, and real estate behind and adjacent to the church (201 Sixth Street NW) was also purchased. Reverend Hall retired in November 2004, and transitioned from labour to reward on June 10, 2014.


In January 2010, a devastating earthquake occurred in the country of Haiti. Ebenezer's unique response to this tragedy resulted in the privilege of being the first congregation in the United States to host in Charlottesville the Haitian Ambassador to the United States, the Honorable Raymond A. Joseph, and his wife, Lola Poisson Joseph.

Today, Ebenezer's Ministry Outreach continues to serve our Community through its active participation via our Emergency Needs Bank, partnerships with over two-dozen organizations, interfaith fellowships with over a half-dozen congregations, affiliations on numerous area boards and committees, the creation of the CPA-TV Sunday Morning Worship Broadcast, the establishment of the African-American Pastors Council, the visionary forerunner of the city's Dialogue-On-Race, Back-To-School Collaborative, Holiday Outreach Collaborative, Breaking The Chains Broadcast, Personal Enhancement Seminars/Workshops and Community Awareness/Racial/Safety Forums.


Additional highlights of the Ebenezer Ministry include, but are not limited to: one (1) ministerial ordination (Reverend Mark J. Mills); one (1) sojourn and call to the Pastorate (Pastor Ivan J. Hassel), the elevation of six (6) men to the office of the Diaconate, the establishment of the Executive Governing Board, the expansion and outreach of the Music Ministry, the establishment and elevation of our Youth and Prison Ministries, and extraordinary services rendered by our Joint Deacon/Trustee Boards, Deaconess, Hospitality, Missionary, Christian Education, Media, Legacy, Food Bank, and Transportation Ministries.


While these accomplishments only summarize some of the ways Ebenezer has been an Agent-Of-Change, we give all Honor and Praise to GOD for being a Vessel In His Service. The Best Is Yet To Come!


We are the 'Stone Of Help'. We are Ebenezer. And we are 'Ebenezer Strong'!


To GOD Be The Glory.

© 1892 Ebenezer Baptist Church

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