Rev. Dr. Lehman D. Bates, II is a native of Columbus, Ohio and second-generation Pastor in a long familial lineage of Spiritual Leaders. Dr. Bates numerous residential venues provided him at an early age with a broad and varied perspective of the human dynamic.
With over thirty-five (35) years in Gospel Ministry, Dr. Bates responded to the Pastoral Call in August 1987, received his Ordination in June 1993, became a full-time Pastoral Assistant in January 1999 and served briefly as Interim Pastor at the New Redeemer Baptist Church, Washington, DC in February 2000.
In February 2006, Dr. Bates accepted the call to Pastor the Ebenezer Baptist Church of Charlottesville Virginia. Since that time, Dr. Bates has lead a transitional and transformational renaissance of a congregation with over a one-hundred-thirty-two (132) year storied history, and one who has been led by only two (2) Pastors in the previous seventy-eight (78) years.
Throughout his life, Dr. Bates has participated in numerous domestic and international humanitarian initiatives spanning over five (5) decades. Domestically, he has participated directly in outreaches which include efforts in Beaufort, South Carolina, post-Katrina efforts in Shreveport, Louisiana and post flood efforts in Princeville, North Carolina. Internationally, with travels to over a dozen countries on five (5) continents, Dr. Bates has participated in direct efforts to provide healthcare, critical needs, and spiritual empowerment to ethnic groups within the African Diaspora. Current outreaches continue in Haiti and the Caribbean, in partnership with the Global Faith Alliance, where Dr. Bates serves as International Projects Director.
As a former Corporate Consultant, Dr. Bates background of over twenty (20) years in the computer industry includes various capacities as Project Manager, Management Consultant, Senior Systems Analyst, Software Developer and Trainer, and Senior Technical Writer.
Dr. Bates II holds a B.A. in Organizational Behavior, M.A. in Christian Pastoral Counseling, and Doctorate of Divinity (honoris causa). He is Licensed Temperament Counselor (LTC), a Licensed Pastoral Counselor (LPC), a Licensed Clinical Christan Counselor (LCCC), and a Licensed Certified Pastoral Counselor (LCPC).
Dr. Bates extensive involvement in the Charlottesville Community is demonstrated in his participation on numerous area boards. Current and past appointments include but are not limited to
· African-American Pastors Council
· Charlottesville Clergy Collective
· Charlottesville Pastor's Fellowship
· PHAR Advisory Board
· 100 Black Men of Central Virginia
· Good News Prison Ministry
· Charlottesville Citizens Advisory Council
· UVA Health Disparities Board
· City of Charlottesville’s Dialogue on Race
· University and Community Action for Racial Equity (UCARE)
· Advisory Board - Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
· United Way Funding Review Board
· Charlottesville -Albemarle Funding Review Board
· TJACH Executive Board
· Charlottesville Water Resources Advisory Committee
· Charlottesville Anti-Gang Task Force
On January 31, 2016, Dr. Bates was recognized by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia (HR - 86) for his service to the Citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Additionally, Dr. Bates is partnered with numerous interfaith and multidenominational congregations, challenging individuals and groups to seek the ultimate vision and realization that we are all one 'human family'.
Dr. Bates currently lives in Charlottesville with his wife Gloria, and their feisty Labrador Retriever, Axel.
Dr. Bates Favorite Motto is “True Leaders are not measured by what they have accomplished…They are measured by what they have overcome.”
Ever cognizant of the global human condition, he remains committed to the spreading of truth, and the liberation of the human condition.